- Starting unit:
- transition rule:
- 上下文文无关语法
- 不考虑前后依赖关系
- 上下文有关语法
- 考虑前后依赖关系
- 上下文无关文法以及上下文有关文法都具有歧义,即不同语料表达的意思不一定相同
2. Parsing
2.1 Def
- Suntactic Structure: Constitunency = phrase structure grammar = context - free grammars
- 传统认为,句子构成应该是:从最简单的单词出发,然后不同的词组成短语,再将短语组成大的短语。
- (the, cuddly, cat, by, the, door)
(the cuddly cat|by the door) (the cuddly cat by the door)
- (the, cuddly, cat, by, the, door)
- Gramma:
2.2 PP Attachment Ambiguities Multiply
- Look in the large crate in the kitchen by the door
- PP存在修饰歧义
- 通常我们把一个句子的核心词称为head,修饰部分为modification
- Prepositional Phrase Attachment Ambiguity
- San Jose cops kill man with knife
- 不同的是,中文由于语法习惯不一样不存在相同的歧义。
- A key parsing decision is how we ‘attach’ various constituents
- PPs , adverbial or participial phrases, infinitives, coordinations
2.3 Coordination Scope Ambiguity
Shuttle veteran and longtime NASA executive Fred Gregory appointed to board
- [Shuttle veteran] and [longtime NASA executive Fred Gregory ]appointed to board
- [Shuttle veteran and longtime NASA executive] Fred Gregory appointed to board
- Doctor:No heart, cognitive issues
- Doctor:No [heart, cognitive issues]
- Doctor:[No heart], [cognitive issues]
2.4 Adjectival/Adverbial Modifier Ambiguity
- Students get first hand job experience
- Students get [first hand] [job experience]
- Students get [first [hand job] experience]
2.5 Verb Phrase (VP) attachment ambiguity
- Multilated body washes up on Rio beach to be used for Olympics beach volleyball
- Multilated body washes up on Rio beach to be used for Olympics beach volleyball
- Multilated body washes up on Rio beach to be used for Olympics beach volleyball
3. Dependency Grammar and Dependency Structure
3.1 Def
- Dependency syntax postulates that syntactic structure consists of relations between lexical items, normally binary asymmetric relations (“arrows”) called dependencies
- 研究紧挨着的两个词的关系,并且会给边打上相关的标签
- The arrows arecommonly typed with the name of grammatical relations (subject,prepositional object,apposition, etc.)
- An arrow connects a head(governor, superior,regent) with a dependent(modifier, inferior,subordinate)
- Usually, dependencies form a tree (a connected,acyclic, single-root graph)
处于支配地位的成分称为支配者head,governor,regent,而处于被支配地位的成分称为从属者 modifier,subordinate,dependency
3.2 Dependency Relations
3.3 Dependency Grammar and Dependency Structure
What are the sources of information for dependency parsing?
Bilexical affinities 同词性之间的依赖关系
- The dependency [discussion
issues] is plausible
- The dependency [discussion
Dependency distance 依赖距离
- Most dependencies are between nearby words
Intervening material
- Dependencies rarely span intervening verbs or punctuation
- 依赖关系很少跨越中间的动词或标点符号
Valency of heads
- How many dependents on which side are usual for a head?
- A sentence is parsed by choosing for each word what other word (including ROOT) it is a dependent of
- Usually some constraints:
- Only one word is a dependent of ROOT (single headed)
- Don’t want cycles
- This makes the dependencies a tree
- Final issue is whether arrows can cross (be non-projective) or not
- 是否允许交叉将使得建树的方法和结果有所不同
3.4 Methods of Dependency Parsing
3.4.1 Greedy transition based parsing
- A simple form of greedy discriminative dependency parser
The parser does a sequence of bottom up actions
- Roughly like “shift” or “reduce” in a shift-reduce parser, but the “reduce” actions are specialized to create dependencies with head on left or right
The parser has:
- a stack
, written with top to the right - which starts with the ROOT symbol
- 用一个栈存放代操作的字符,后进先出
- a buffer
, written with top to the left - which starts with the input sentence
- 用一个队列存放剩余需要操作的句子,先进先出
- a set of dependency
- which starts off empty
- 有一个集合存放所有弧的关系
- a set of actions
- 用一个集合存放所有操作
- a stack
Basic Transition based Dependency Parser
Arc standard Transition based Parser
- (there are other transition schemes …) Analysis of “I ate fish“
Precondition: ROOT - 意思是当所在的stack中相邻的两个symbol的左依赖关系没有在集合里时,可以进行操作
- 操作时,我们比较栈顶和队首的两个词,如果存在Left Arc,那么我们只pop掉栈顶的词
- 操作时,我们比较栈顶和队首的两个词,如果存在right Arc,我们就pop掉队首并且push进栈顶
- 这里我理解是,Right arc的两个词都有可能产生新的依赖关系,最具标志性的就是ROOT连接句子的第一个修饰的词
Precondition: - 意思是当队列为空,且所在的stack中相邻的两个symbol的左依赖关系有在集合里时,那么直接pop栈顶
- 当栈顶和队首不存在任何依赖关系时,且队列不为空时,直接将队首的词加入栈顶
可以使用beam search的方法来优化搜索
3.4.2 Conventional Feature Representation
3.5 Evaluation of Dependency Parsing: (labeled)
dependency accuracy
- 没有标签:UAS
- 有标签:LAS
3.6 Indicator Features Revisited
- Problem #1:
- sparse
- Problem#2:
- incomplete
- Problem#3:
- expensive computation
- More than 95% of parsing time is consumed by feature computation
3.7 Why do we gain from a neural dependency parser?
- dense vector
- complete
- trainable, low computation
4. Further developments in transition based neural dependency parsing
Graph based Dependency Parsers
- Compute a score for every possible dependency for each word
- 权重最大的组成依赖关系