1. Def
- Choose a parametric model to represent a set of features
2. Challenges
Noise in the measured feature locations
Extraneous data(外点): clutter (outliers), multiple lines 交叉干扰
Missing data: occlusions 遮挡
3. Overview
- If we know which points belong to the line, how do we find the “optimal”
line parameters?- Least squares
- What if there are outliers?
- Robust fitting, RANSAC
- What if there are many lines?
- Voting methods: RANSAC, Hough transform
- What if we’re not even sure it’s a line?
- Model selection: Snake (not covered)
4. Least squares line fitting
- Data: $\left(x_{1}, y_{1}\right), \ldots,\left(x_{n}, y_{n}\right)$
- Line equation: $y_{i}=m x_{i}+b$
- Find $(m, b)$ to minimize
- 是样本点均匀分布在直线两边
4.1 Least squares line fitting
- Normal equations: least squares solution to B
4.2 Problem
- Not rotation-invariant
- Fails completely for vertical lines
4.3 Total least squares
- Distance between point $(x_i, y_i)$ and line 利用点直线的距离$ax+by=d (a^2+b^2=1): |ax_i + by_i – d|$
- Find $ (a, b, d) $ to minimize the sum of squared perpendicular distances
- $A$ is a $n \times n$ matrix, $x$ is a non-zero vector, if
- $x$ is one eigenvectors of $A$, and $\lambda$ is one of eigenvalues.
- Solution to $(U^TU)N=0$, s.t. $|N|^2=1$:
- eigenvector of $U^T U$ associated with the smallest eigenvalue. 即对应最小特征值的特征向量为其解
- $(a,b)^T\dotproduct(x_i-\bar{x},y_i-\bar{y})$相当于投影距离
4.5 Least squares as likelihood maximization
- Generative model: line points are sampled independently and corrupted by Gaussian noise in the direction perpendicular(垂直的) to the line
- 即每个点会被独立采样,且其到直线的距离符合高斯分布
- Likelihood of points given line parameters (a, b, d):
- Log-likelihood:
4.6 Problem:
- Problem: squared error heavily penalizes outliers
5. Robust estimators
- General approach: find model parameters $\theta$ that minimize
- $u_{i}\left(x_{i}, \theta\right)-$ residual of ith point w.r.t. model parameters $\theta$ $\rho$ - robust function with scale parameter $\sigma$
- 可以理解为给原先的距离加了个robust function
- The robust function ρ behaves like squared distance for small values of the residual u but saturates(平滑) for larger values of u
- Robust fitting is a nonlinear optimization problem that must besolved iteratively
- Least squares solution can be used for initialization
- Scale of robust function should be chosen carefully
- $\sigma$ too big: The error value is almost the same for every point and the fit is very poor
- $\sigma$ too large: Behaves much the same as least squares
- Robust fitting can deal with a few outliers 离群值 —— what if we have very many?
- Random sample consensus (RANSAC):
Very general framework for model fitting in the presence of outliers - Outline
- Choose a small subset of points uniformly at random. 随机均匀采样
- Fit a model to that subset 拟合模型
- Find all remaining points that are “close” to the model and reject the rest asoutliers(去除外点) 记录模型的内点数
- Do this many times and choose the best model 超过内点数阈值的model
- Least squares fit
- Randomly select minimal subset of points:
- Hypothesize a model 假设模型
- Compute error function 计算剩余点到直线的距离
- Select points consistent with model 记录内点(设置距离阈值)
- Repeat hypothesize and verify loop
- Uncontaminated(未污染) sample
- 从而得到内点最多的模型为我们需要的模型
- Repeat $N$ times:
- Draw $s$ points uniformly at random.Fit line to these s points
- Find inliers to this line among the remaining points (i.e., points whose distance from the line is less than $t$)
- lf there are $d$ or more inliers, accept the line and refit using allinliers 如果内点足够多,则用这些内点重新拟合,并得到这个model
- 有k个模型,内点数目大于d,这些都可以输出
6.1 Choosing the parameters
- lnitial number of points $s$
- Typically minimum number needed to fit the model.
- Distance threshold $t$
Number of iterations $N$
- Choose $N$ so that, with probability $p$, at least one random sample is free from outliers (没有异常值) (e.g. p=0.99) (outlier ratio: e)
- 有0.99的置信度,在N次迭代后,进行随机采样中至少有一个点不是外点
N 如何选?假设100次迭代后,我们采样得到的是outlier,那么可以用公式表示
- $(1-e)^s$表示随机采样s个点,都是内点,$(1-(1-e)^s)$一次迭代中随机采样的点有外点
Outlier ratio e is often unknown a priori, so pick worst case, e.g. 50%,
and adapt if more inliers are found, e.g. 80% would yield e=0.2 即以最坏情况找到的内点百分比,来计算eAdaptive procedure:
$N=\infty$, sample_count $=0$ 一开始初始迭代无穷次,采样0次
While $N>$ sample_count 当当前的迭代数大于已经采样数,则继续运算
Choose a sample and count the number of inliers
If inlier ratio is highest of any found so far, set
$\mathrm{e}=1-($ number of inliers $) /($ total number of points)
- 如果内点率升高,则更新e,因为这说明e应该更小
Recompute $N$ from $e$ : 更新N
- Increment the sample_count by 1
sample count指的是总的拟合次数,即对每个N进行搜索,N随着拟合会逐渐下降,直到降到总拟合次数以下
lnitial number of points s
- Typically minimum number needed to fit the model
Distance threshold t
- Choose t so probability for inlier is p (e.g.0.95). Zero-mean Gaussian noise with o: t2=3.84?.
Number of samples N
- Choose N so that, with probability p, at least one random sample is free from outliers (e.g.p=0.99) (outlier ratio: e)
Consensus set size d 判断该模型是否正确
- Should match expected inlier ratio
6.2 RANSAC pros and cons
- Pros
- Simple and general
- Applicable to many different problems
- Often works well in practice
- Cons
- Lots of parameters to tune 参数过多
- Doesn’t work well for low inlier ratios (too many iterations,
or can fail completely) 内点少则很难收敛 - Can’t always get a good initialization of the model based on the minimum number of samples 很难得到好的初始值
- Refine by Least Squares
6.3 平面拟合
- 至少要三个点才能拟合
7. Hough Transform
7.1 Voting schemes
- Let each feature vote for all the models that are compatible(兼容) with it
- Hopefully the noise features will not vote consistently for any single model 噪点不会在单独的模型下拟合
- Missing data doesn’t matter as long as there are enough features remaining to agree on a good model 数据足够
7.2 An early type of voting scheme
- Discretize parameter space into bins
- For each feature point in the image, put a vote in every bin in the parameter space that could have generated this point
- Find bins that have the most votes
- 在参数空间进行投票,每个特征点都要在参数空间投票,投票最多的bins,为所需要的参数
7.3 Parameter space representation
- A line in the image corresponds to a point in Hough space
What does a point $(x_0 , y_0 )$ in the image space map to in the
Hough space?- Answer: the solutions of $y_0 = m x_0 + b$
This is a line in Hough space
- Where is the line that contains both $(x_0 , y_0 ) $and $(x_1 , y_1)$?
- It is the intersection of the lines $b = x_0 m + y_0$ and $b = x_1 m + y_1$
Problems with the ( m,b )
- Unbounded parameter domains
- Vertical lines require infinite m (m,b)是无限的,所以(m,b)的范围无法限定
Alternative: polar(极坐标) representation
- Each point $(x,y)$ will add a sinusoid(正弦波) in the $(\theta,\rho)$ parameter space
7.4 Algorithm outline
Initialize accumulator(累加器) H to all zeros
For each feature point ( x,y ) in the image
- For θ = 0 to 180
- $\rho=xcos\theta + ysin\theta$
- $H(\theta,\rho)=H(\theta,\rho)+1$
- end
- For θ = 0 to 180
7.5 Basic illustration
- 所以我们可以发现,一条直线映射后是一个点
- 而一个点映射后是sec
- Other shapes:
- A more complicated image
- 具体过程是先识别出边缘点,再利用边缘点进行拟合
7.6 Effect of noise
- Peak gets fuzzy and hard to locate
- 由于一个点拟合后是余割,那么当有噪音时,会导致,这多个点拟合的余割无法准确交于一个点,造成难以定位
Number of votes for a line of 20 points with increasing noise:
- 随着噪音增加,那么投票在一个bin的值就会减少
7.7 Random points
Uniform noise can lead to spurious peaks in the array
- 均匀噪声会导致阵列中出现杂散峰值
As the level of uniform noise increases, the maximum number of
votes increases too:
- 当随机噪声增加,会导致最大投票值也增加,这是因为噪声是均匀分布的,相当于以一定比例增加参数空间所有投票
7.8 Dealing with noise
- Choose a good grid / discretization 利用稍微扩大的网格增加容错率
- Too coarse(粗): large votes obtained when too many different lines correspond to a single bucket 有可能使得许多不同的直线投票到同一个桶,原因在于格子过粗,会导致丢失原本图像中的信息
- Too fine(细): miss lines because some points that are not exactly collinear cast votes for different buckets 可以这么理解,就是刻画过于精细,导致无法容忍一点噪音,从而无法找到交点
- Increment neighboring bins (smoothing in accumulator array)
- 其意思是,在对一个格子投票时,同时对其领域进行投票,但是其投票总和还是1,如下图:
- Try to get rid of irrelevant features
- E.g.take only edge points with significant gradient magnitude
7.9 Incorporating(合并) image gradients
- When we detect an edge point, we also know its gradient orientation
- But this means the line is uniquely determined!
Modified Hough transform:
- 因为对于一个边缘点,其实我们是可以唯一确定他的直线方向的,那么我们就不用对$\theta$进行量化了
- 只需利用梯度的角度值,进行计算相应的$\rho$,并对$\rho$进行量化即可
For each edge point ( x,y )
- θ = gradient orientation at ( x,y)
- ρ = x cos θ + y sin θ
- H(θ, ρ ) = H(θ, ρ ) + 1
- end
7.10 Hough transform for circles
- How many dimensions will the parameter space have?
- Given an unoriented edge point, what are all possible bins that it can
vote for? - What about an oriented edge point?
- 对于定义一个圆我们需要一个圆心和半径坐标
- 而对于图中任意一个点,它映射到参数空间是一个圆锥
- 给定点$(x_0,y_0)$,由于我们即不知道方向,也不知道半径,所以形成一个圆锥方程,其过$(x_0,y_0,0)$这一点:
- 所以是两条过$(x_0,y_0)$的射线,
- 显然,这是因为一个点梯度的垂直方向有两边,即可以确定两个圆
- 我们已知每个边缘点的梯度,我们就可以以此计算出每个边缘点对应的圆心
- 再进行投票即可
7.11 Application in recognition
- We want to find a template defined by its reference point (center) and several distinct types of landmark points in stable spatial configuration
- 学习特征点与中心点相对的关系
7.10 Hough transform: Pros and cons
- Pros
- Can deal with non locality and occlusion 可以处理非局部性和遮挡
- Can detect multiple instances of a model
- Some robustness to noise: noise points unlikely to contribute consistently to any single bin
- Cons
- Complexity of search time increases exponentially with the number of model parameters
- Non target shapes can produce spurious (虚假的) peaks in parameter space 非目标形状可能会产生虚假形状(虚假的) 参数空间中的峰值
- It’s hard to pick a good grid size