1. Texture
- Includes: more regular patterns
- Includes: more random patterns
2. Texture-related tasks
- Shape from texture
- Estimate surface orientation方向 or shape from image texture
- Segmentation/classification from texture cues
- Analyze, represent texture
- Group image regions with consistent texture
- Synthesis合成
- Generate new texture patches/images given some examples
3.Why analyze texture?
Importance to perception:
Often indicative of a material’s properties 表示一种材料的特性
Can be important appearance cue, especially if shape is similar across objects
Aim to distinguish between shape, boundaries, and texture
- Representation-wise, we want a feature one step above “building blocks” of filters, edges.
4. Texture representation
- Textures are made up of repeated local patterns, so:
- Find the patterns
- Use filters that look like patterns (spots, bars, …)
- Consider magnitude of response
- Describe their statistics within each local window, e.g., 用数值特征表示
- Mean, standard deviation
- Histogram
- Histogram of “prototypical” feature occurrences
- Find the patterns
4.1 Texture representation: example
- 图中,分别使用x梯度算子与y梯度算子,对每个图像中的pattern进行卷积,然后取这个pattern的平均值作为输出
- 将其投射到坐标系,可以得到,靠近原点即为平滑区域,远离则为角点
- 坐标系中也可以看出纹理的区别
- Distance reveals how dissimilar texture from window a is from texture in window b.
4.2 window scale
- We’re assuming we know the relevant window size for which we collect these statistics.
Possible to perform scale selectionby looking for window scale where texture description not changing.
5. Filter banks
- Our previous example used two filters, and resulted in a 2-dimensional feature vector to describe texture in a window.
- x and y derivatives revealed something about local structure.
- We can generalize to apply a collection of multiple (d) filters: a “filter bank”
- Then our feature vectors will be d-dimensional.
- still can think of nearness, farness in feature space
5.1 What filters to put in the bank?
- Typically we want a combination of scales and orientations, different types of patterns. 由检测不同尺度与方向的特征组合
5.1.1 Multivariate Gaussian
Filter bank:
Can you match the texture to the response?
5.2 Representing texture by mean abs response
- We can form a feature vector from the list of responses at each pixel.
5.3 d-dimensional features
- Euclidean distance ($L_2$)
- 跟这六类比较,使用SVM分类
6. Local Binary Pattern (LBP)
- 用中心像素与领域像素的大小关系来表示其特征,最终化为二值向量
- Use center pixel value to threshold the 3x3 neighborhood 用中心像素阈值,因为比它小的直接就变成零了
- Result in binary number 转化为二进制向量
- Multiplied by powers of two (Decimal) 转化为十进制,以缩短长度
- Summed to obtain a label for the center pixel -> 256 different labels(每个window都用1*8的二进制数表示,其范围为0-255)
- Histogram of the labels is used as a texture descriptor 用LBP直方图统计label个数,然后用1*256的向量表示一张图片
- 从而使得一张20002000的图片变成1\256
6. 1 What are the problems? How can you be invariant to changes in scale ?
- 没有考虑不同的尺度空间。
6.2 Circle LBP
- LBP is extended to use different sizes of neighborhoods.
- Local neighborhoods is defined as a set of sampling points.
- points evenly (平均) spaced on a circle centered at the labeled pixel.
- (P,R) , P = number of sampling points , R = radius
6.3 Uniform LBP
- Standard LBP has $2^n$ patterns for n sampling points 因为最终会表示成二进制数的直方图
- Histogram dimension becomes high when n is increased
- Sensitive to noise
Uniform patterns has at most 2 bitwise transitions in binary pattern. 当0变成1就被噪音影响了
Histogram assigns separate bin for every uniform pattern.
- Histogram assigns a single bin for all non-uniform pattern.
In FERET dataset, (8,1) neighborhoods : 90.6 percent of patterns are uniform.
- LBP是比较中间像素与领域像素的比较,但如果有噪声1就变成0了,即对噪声过于敏感了
- 如果有大于两次跳变,就是不平滑,所以我们把所有超过两次跳变的归为一类,在直方图统一计算bin,而小于等于两次跳变的,即为uniform LBP,这些可以分开计数,从而压缩噪声
Step 1: facial image is divided into local regions (blocks). {R0, R1, …, Rm-1} (pixel-level locality)
Step 2: Extract LBP histogram for each region. (regional-level locality)
Step 3: Concatenated(连接) all histograms into a spatially enhanced histogram with length of m x n (n is length of a single LBP histogram). (global-level locality)
- m blocks
Step 4: Chi-square distance
7. Summary
- Texture is a useful property that is often indicative of materials, appearance cues
- Texture representations attempt to summarize repeating patterns of local structure
- Filter banks useful to measure redundant(冗余的) variety of structures in local neighborhood
- Feature spaces can be multi-dimensional
- Local binary patterns describe small-scale appearance (textures) of the image