Edge Detection
1. calculate
- 保存不变
- 向右移动
- 平滑
- 图像锐化
- Sharpening filter: Accentuates differences with local average
- 锐化过滤器:突出与局部平均值的差异
zero “padding”
edge value replication
mirror extension
more (beyond the scope of this
Smoothing with box filter revisited
- 使用平滑滤波器会导致边缘消失
- 为了消除边缘效应,对邻域的权重贡献,根据像素与中心的接近程度确定像素。
Gaussian Kernel
- 记得归一化,一般来说$\sigma$的大小决定了高斯核的大小,所以标准差𝜎: 确定平滑的范围
- 所以可以用小的平滑𝜎内核,重复与自身卷积,可以得到和大卷积核卷积相同的结果
- 卷积两次的高斯核相当于标准差变为$\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{2}}$
Separable kernel
- 2D高斯核具有可分性,可以分为两个一维卷积核
- What is the complexity of filtering an $𝑛×𝑛$ image with an $𝑚×𝑚$ kernel?
- $O(n^2m^2)$
- What if the kernel is separable?
- $O(n^2m)$
(Cross) correlation
- Commutative property:
- Associative property:
- Distributive property:
The order doesn’t matter! $\quad h_{1} h_{2}=h_{2} h_{1}$
Shift property:
- Shift-invariance:
Convolution vs. (Cross) Correlation
- A convolution is an integral that expresses the amount of overlap of one function as it is shifted over another function.
- convolution is a filtering operation
- Correlation compares the similarity of two sets of data. Correlation computes a measure of similarity of two input signals as they are shifted by one another. The correlation result reaches a maximum at the time when the two signals match best.
- correlation is a measure of relatedness of two signals
Edge Detection
1. Edges
1.1 Def
- significant local changes of intensity (discontinuities) in an image. 图像中强度的显着局部变化(不连续性)
1.2 Origins of edges
- discontinuity in depth 深度不连续
- surface normal/color/texture discontinuity 表面法线\颜色\纹理不连续
- specularity /shadows 由于光照的阴影
2. Image gradient
2.1 The gradient of an image
- 梯度垂直于图片边缘
3. Effects of noise
- 如果信号中有噪声,边缘的特征可能会淹没在噪声中,从而无法通过求梯度的方法,对边缘进行定位。
- 所以,实际上我们经常先对信号做平滑处理,然后再求导。
4. Sobel Operator
4.1 算法介绍
- Uses two 3 3×3 kernels which are convolved with the original image to calculate approximations of the derivatives
- One for horizontal changes, and one for vertical
- Smoothing + differentiation:平滑处理+微分
之所以$[1 2 1]^t$可以看作为高斯核,这是因为其数值呈现类似高斯分布的效果,并且可以通过数学手段验证。
Magnitude: 模值
- Angle or direction of the gradient: 方向
4.2 Sobel Filter Problems
- Poor Localization (Trigger response in multiple adjacent pixels):定位不够准确,边缘可能很粗
- Thresholding value favors certain directions over others
- Can miss oblique edges more than horizontal or vertical edges 可能丢失除了水平以及垂直的边缘
- False negatives 最终造成把边缘识别为不是边缘
4.3 Other approximations of derivative filters
4.3.1 Prewitt:
- 除了考虑中心像素左右邻近的像素值,还考虑了其对角的领域像素。
4.3.2 Roberts:
- $G_x$用于检测135°的边缘,$G_y$用于检测45°的边缘。
5. Canny edge detector
- This is probably the most widely used edge detector in computer vision
5.1 Derivative of Gaussian filter
5.2 Problems of Gaussian filter
5.2.3 细节过多
- 我们可以发现高斯偏导核可能检测出许多我们不需要的细节。所以我们尝试将高斯偏导核的结果再输入一个阈值核(Tresholdingb Kernel),滤去不用的边缘。
5.2.4 边缘过粗
- 这是因为,我们原本的边缘取的是梯度的最大值,但是阈值的方法取的是阈值以上的整个部分。
5.2.5 Non-maximum suppression
- 为了解决边缘过粗的问题,我们可以采用Non-maximum的方法:
- 沿着边缘的梯度方向,每次记录邻近像素最大的一个值,一般地,如果当前像素梯度方向不存在邻近像素,则考虑用像素插值地方法,充当其邻近像素。最终使得整个边缘的宽度为1
5.2.6 边缘消失(FN problem)
5.2.7 Hysteresis thresholding
Avoid streaking near threshold value 避免在阈值附近的边缘丢失
Define two thresholds: Low and High
If less than Low, not an edge
If greater than High, strong edge
- If between Low and High, weak edge
5.3 Summary
- Filter image with 𝑥,𝑦derivatives of Gaussian 使用x,y方向的高斯偏导核进行滤波
- Find magnitude and orientation of gradient 找到边缘的梯度大小以及梯度方向
- Non maximum suppression:
- Thin multi pixel wide ridges down to single pixel width 将多像素的边缘降至单像素
- Thresholding and linking (hysteresis): 设置高低阈值,滤去不必要的细节同时,保留阈值附近及以上的边缘
- Define two thresholds: low and high
- Use the high threshold to start edge curves and the low threshold to continue them
5.4 Effect of $\sigma$ Gaussian kernel spread/size)
- $\sigma$越小,窗口越小(由于$3\sigma$原则),能检测出更多的细节,适合人脸检测;
- $\sigma$越大,窗口越大(由于$3\sigma$原则),能检测出更少的细节,更注重整体轮廓,适合行人检测。
5.4 Concluding remarks
- Advantages:
- Conceptually simple. 概念简单
- Easy implementation 易于实施
- Handles missing and occluded data very gracefully. 易于解决缺失值
- Can be adapted to many types of forms, not just lines 可以适应多种形式
- Disadvantages:
- Computationally complex for objects with many parameters. 参数过多,计算复杂
- Looks for only one single type of object
- Can be “fooled” by “apparent lines”. 可能被“明显的线条”迷惑,比如共线
- The length and the position of a line segment cannot be determined.
- Co linear line segments cannot be separated.